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Could a gravitational wave rip apart an entire planet?

You may not feel it, but at every single moment you are being ever-so-slightly stretched and squeezed by ripples in space-time. These ripples, called gravitational waves, are caused by the movements of massive objects like black holes, and researchers have detected them warping Earth by minuscule amounts. But what if they warped Earth by non-minuscule amounts?

In this episode of Dead Planets Society, our hosts Chelsea Whyte and Leah Crane get curious about whether we could make a gravitational wave that would be strong enough to feel – and what that might be like – or even strong enough to rip apart a planet. This means manipulating black holes because they are the densest objects in the universe, so they are the most efficient gravitational wave machines out there.

But it isn’t as easy as just putting a pair of black holes next to the planet and smashing them together, because the gravity from the black holes would destroy the planet regardless of any waves involved. Gravitational wave researcher Christopher Berry joins Leah and Chelsea this episode to talk about tuning the frequency of gravitational waves to vibrate the whole planet apart, whether it would be possible to disassemble the entire solar system with gravitational waves and how to create a deadly black hole symphony that could beam its cosmic music across the universe.

Dead Planets Society is a podcast that takes outlandish ideas about how to tinker with the cosmos – from punching a hole in a planet to unifying the asteroid belt – and subjects them to the laws of physics to see how they fare.

For more from Dead Planets Society, subscribe to New Scientist Weekly or visit our podcast page here.


Christopher Berry: Maybe if we had a louder gravitational wave signal, we could use the earth as a detector, and if the earth is destroyed, then yes, we have detected gravitational waves.

Chelsea Whyte: Unfortunately, we’ve destroyed another planet. Welcome back to Dead Planets Society.

Leah Crane: This is a podcast where we imagine what it might be like if we were given cosmic powers to rearrange the universe.

Chelsea Whyte: I’m Chelsea Whyte, senior news editor at New Scientist.

Leah Crane: And I’m Leah Crane, physics and space reporter at New Scientist. This episode is all about gravitational waves, which are ripples in space-time that happen when something massive moves around. Think a boat sailing through smooth waters or a bowling ball rolling around on a huge trampoline.

Chelsea Whyte: Or, like, say two gigantic black holes just whipping through the universe and smashing into one another.

Leah Crane: Exactly, that is the best way to make gravitational waves, which is why most of the ones folks have spotted come from pairs of black holes spiralling together and merging.

Chelsea Whyte: Yeah. And so, the signs of those smash ups are what scientists at gravitational wave detectors are looking for, right?

Leah Crane: Yeah. And these things are everywhere, they’re rippling through the universe all the time. But for the most part, by the time they get to earth, they’re so weak that they’re pretty much impossible to impact. But it would be cool if you could feel one.

Chelsea Whyte: Yeah, or use them to destroy things? I mean, that’s kind of our signature move.

Leah Crane: Yes. But there are some big asks in there because first we’d have to worry about how to make and control gravitational waves, and then we’d have to make and control one big enough to destroy anything. And by anything, I mean Earth.

Chelsea Whyte: Yeah, or the solar system, or everything, everywhere.

Leah Crane: All at once. Today we’re going to get into whether we could use gravitational waves to quite literally shake up the solar system and whip the planets away into the cosmos, or create a gravitational wave machine using black holes.

Chelsea Whyte: Yeah, so these are some big questions, and we need an expert to help us answer them. So, we chatted with Chris Berry from LIGO and LIGO is a gravitational wave observatory with detectors in Washington state and Louisiana, and these are these absolutely huge detectors that use incredibly precise instruments to find tiny little changes in space-time, down to the width of a proton. So, we asked Chris if it would be possible to make a gravitational wave on a human scale, one we could feel.

Christopher Berry: Fantastic question. Yes. So, the classic thing that everyone always says when talking about gravitational waves is that they are minuscule, which is partly true, but not always true. The thing is that they’re minuscule by the time they travelled across the universe to reach us here at Earth, but when the size of the gravitational wave amplitude decreases with the distance it travels, it’s exactly the same as light, that if you have a lightbulb that’s further away, it appears dimmer because the amplitude of the light waves decreases. And gravitational waves, it’s exactly the same, that the amplitude decreases inversely with distance. So, if you halve the distance to the source, you’re going to double the amplitude of the gravitational wave. So, we can get bigger gravitational waves by travelling closer to a source. One of my favourite facts about gravitational waves is that at the moment that two black holes merge, the amount of energy they emit in that – instantaneously, so that power output – is higher in gravitational waves then the luminosity of all the stars in the visible universe added together. So, then the next question is how big does that actually become when you’re really close to a source. And there it gets a bit complicated because gravitational waves are ripples in space-time, stretching and squeezing. And when you’re very close to a source of gravitational waves, at least the gravitational waves we’re talking about of, say, two black holes orbiting around each other, the space-time is really churned up so it’s not so easy to distinguish a wave from the underlying gravity itself. But if you’re close to the source, you can basically get a stretching and squeezing, which instead of being one part in 20 to 21, which is where the famous size of a proton comes from, it can be more like a stretching and squeezing of 100%. So, you would be able to notice it.

Chelsea Whyte: So, my body would double in size and then shrink.

Christopher Berry: So, yes, so that’s part one. So, yes, the gravitational waves are bigger, but the second thing is gravitational waves are a stretching and squeezing of space-time. So, one of the things that we need to do to detect them, which is really difficult, is you need freely moving objects. So, our mirrors in our LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA detectors are very carefully isolated from everything around them so they can freely move, they can freely follow the space underneath them. You, you know, your head and feet are connected to each other by something quite stiff, so you won’t be stretched by something 100% because your body goes, you know, no, my atoms like being this distance apart. So, you will undergo some stretching and squeezing, but you will not be elongated that much because your body will push back.

Chelsea Whyte: It still seems like it might not feel that great.

Christopher Berry: No. You’re not going to have a fun time, I think is the conclusion, if you’re very close. At this point, you’re basically right next to two merging black holes. So, as you can imagine it’s not just the gravitational waves you need to worry about, but the gravity from the black holes themselves that will be pulling you inwards and then there will be the tidal forces of stretching you out as well.

Chelsea Whyte: Yeah, I’m already having a bad day if I’m feeling a gravitational wave.

Christopher Berry: Yes. It’s basically, if you’re worrying about the size of the gravitational waves, you’re probably in a position where you should be worrying about other things more.

Leah Crane: What I want to do in this fake universe, not in real life, because it would be really bad, would be create a very powerful gravitational wave just right next to Earth and see what would happen. And I wonder if a gravitational wave could ever have enough power to just rip the planet apart.

Christopher Berry: I think the answer is yes, it must be possible to create this. So, as I said, we have this stretching and squeezing of space-time which will stretch and squeeze the planet, and the planet being stiff will resist that. But if you keep increasing the size of the wave, at some point the planet is no longer going to be able to resist and you’re going to start breaking it apart. So, I think potentially you could make something that big. But the question, I guess, is how you would do that. So, yes, you’d need to be very close to a source which might just destroy the earth because it’s right next to a black hole and gets ripped apart by the tidal forces. But there are also some other things which we could maybe think of, which is the frequency of the gravitational waves. So, just like many other types of waves, there’s a certain frequency, so how rapidly you get your pattern of stretching and squeezing. So, an object, pretty much objects in general, have a resonant frequency, this is the frequency that if you were to hit them, they wobble backwards and forwards, it’s their natural stretching and squeezing pace. So, this is, you know, your tuning fork, you hit it and it vibrates at this frequency, and it gives a particular note that you can hear. And it works the other way, that if you were playing that note, the pressure waves in the air would cause your tuning fork to vibrate and you’d get a coupling of the energy between them. The earth will have its own resonant frequencies, if you hit the earth it will vibrate at a particular frequency. It’s one of the characteristic things that geologists study in terms of earthquakes propagating through the earth and how it affects their structure. So, maybe if you get a gravitational wave at a resonant frequency for the earth, you’ll stretch and squeeze it at the right frequency and keep pumping energy into it, and so you’ll stretch and squeeze the earth more and more and as time goes up, and eventually you’ll reach the point where it just starts pulling itself apart.

Leah Crane: This experiment has been done with bridges where if you vibrate a bridge at just the right frequency it will fall apart.

Christopher Berry: Yes, exactly. Yes. So, bridges are carefully engineered to have a whole bunch of different resonant frequencies, so they don’t overlap so we can avoid that. But, yes, before we worked that out, that was a big issue, so we could potentially do the same thing with the earth. I suggest talk to your friendly geologist about the best way to do that, but that potentially works. The earliest gravitational wave detectors were designed to work on this principle as well. You basically just have a big block of metal which would have a particular resonant frequency and so you’d look for gravitational waves of that frequency coming in, causing this big block of metal to vibrate.

Chelsea Whyte: That’s so cool, like the universe is yelling at us at the right frequency, the right note, and we can hear it.

Christopher Berry: Yes. Unfortunately those detectors never made a successful detection, but that was the idea.

Chelsea Whyte: Okay, we couldn’t hear it.

Christopher Berry: But maybe if we had a louder gravitational wave signal, we could have done, and so this is the same question. We could use the earth as a detector, and if the earth is destroyed, then, yes, we have detected gravitational waves.

Chelsea Whyte: Okay, great.

Leah Crane: I’d like to talk a little bit, because there are a lot of complicating factors when you talk about black holes, and I wonder if we had a magical gravitational wave machine – which I recognise is not actually plausible without having it have some big black holes, but let’s say that it didn’t – if we made an extraordinarily powerful gravitational wave and had it whip through the whole solar system, I’m wondering what would happen because in my mind that will be just, sort of like shaking a blanket and having a wave go through, but it’s a wave in space-time, so it’s not quite that, right?

Christopher Berry: So you’re thinking, could we disrupt the orbits of the planets in some way.

Chelsea Whyte: Or would we, yeah. Or would they survive it depending on, I guess, the frequency and the amplitude?

Christopher Berry: So, I think the orbits would basically just go back there because they’re just following the underlying structure of space-time, so that’s oscillating backwards and forwards, but they’re always being governed by the sun’s gravity, so I don’t think you need to worry about that too much from that point of view.

Chelsea Whyte: But then that makes me wonder, is there a gravitational wave strong enough that it could break that tie of the sun’s gravity, or am I thinking about it wrong? If the gravitational wave came from the sun and we whipped it through the solar system, could we fling off the planets, or is that a misunderstanding of what’s happening here?

Christopher Berry: So, the difficult thing here is that the way gravity works is you can’t just have a wave appearing, you need to have some source for it. So, if we could magically make matter appear and disappear, so if we could create and destroy mass, which we can’t do in the real universe because energy is conserved, energy is mass. But if we were to suddenly make the sun disappear, for example-

Chelsea Whyte: Which we have done here at Dead Planets Society, yes.

Christopher Berry: So, that would indeed, you’d have a gravitational wave come out, denoting the fact that you had changed the gravity, and as that went out, that’s when the planets would start flying off into space because there’s no longer the gravity keeping them in orbit. So, that would go with the gravitational wave, but it’s not really the gravitational wave, it’s really the change in the underlying static gravity, and we couldn’t in reality get gravitational waves like that because we can’t make matter appear and disappear in that way.

Leah Crane: And I think I’ve been thinking about space-time as a sheet that we can shake, but when it comes down to it, everything is part of that sheet, like, we’re in space-time, it’s not on top of the sheet.

Christopher Berry: Yes, yes.

Leah Crane: So, the planets might shake, but they’re shaking along with space-time and they still end up in the same place.

Christopher Berry: Yeah, exactly.

Chelsea Whyte: It’s kind of like if you’re on a surfboard in the ocean and a big wave comes and you just lay flat and you go with the wave, not that you ride it, but, you can sort of just let it pass under you.

Christopher Berry: Yeah, you go up, and then you go down, and then things quieten down a bit and you’re in the same spot.

Leah Crane: I just wonder if you would notice that because, like, I’m within space-time also, so would that feel like moving or… I just wonder if that would even be noticeable to a person.

Christopher Berry: Yeah, so you might feel the stretching and squeezing yourself, you’re under some pressure or tension and your body is resisting that. The thing which is perhaps most likely to pick it up might be your eardrum, because as that moves backwards and forwards, being stretched and squeezed, that’s how you pick up sound waves.

Chelsea Whyte: Would it be like a single note?

Christopher Berry: Well, it depends on the frequencies of the gravitational waves. If it was a single frequency gravitational wave that would be a single note, and with our black hole as they normally evolve in frequency, they start lower frequency when they’re further apart, and then they spiral in together and chirp upwards in frequency. So, if you were right next to it, you might hear a, ‘mmmm-boop!’

Chelsea Whyte: I like that a lot.

Leah Crane: I feel like in my head I thought a gravitational wave would sound like ‘Whum whum whum’. But I like that it’s just like a cheerful, ‘Whoop.’

Christopher Berry: Yes. We can get some bigger black holes and make it lower frequency, make it more [buzzing sound], yes lower frequency. And, yes, if you wanted the thudding noise, yeah, we’d need to set up the black holes so that they have lots of spin – so black holes have two main properties that we care about for the black holes formed in space, the mass, how much they curve space-time, and the spin, how much they drag space-time around with them – and so if we set them up with misaligned spins then the spins wobble around and that causes the orbit to go backwards and forwards, and that would make your gravitational wave have an extra lumpy quality to it.

Leah Crane: Yes.

Chelsea Whyte: So we could get the ‘Whum whum whum.’

Christopher Berry: Yes, I mean, it would still evolve and get quicker with frequency. We could maybe make a gravitational wave instrument by having many black holes of different sizes all orbiting each other.

Chelsea Whyte: This is what I want. I love that we set out to destroy the solar system and now we’ve just made a lovely little symphony or something.

Leah Crane: I wouldn’t say little.

Chelsea Whyte: Yes, it’s a very big symphony, you got it.

Christopher Berry: What you could do is if you had an array of black holes in the right shape, use the gravity of the black holes to focus gravitational waves together and potentially that way you could get all sorts of interesting things coming together. You could have black holes of different sizes orbiting at different frequencies, so producing your gravitational waves of different notes, and then you could send that signal in whatever direction you’d like. So, you could transmit your music to anywhere in the universe exactly in the right way.

Leah Crane: In a deeply destructive way.

Chelsea Whyte: As always.

Leah Crane: That’s what we do. And thank you to Christopher Berry and to you all for listening to Dead Planets Society. And if you enjoy our podcast, you might also enjoy my free monthly space newsletter at New Scientist, which is called Launchpad. You can check that out at

Chelsea Whyte: And finally, if you have any cosmic object you want us to figure out how to destroy, let us know and it could be featured in a later episode of the podcast. Our email is Or if you just want to chat about this episode or wrecking the cosmos more generally, you can find us on Twitter. I’m @chelswhyte.

Leah Crane: And I’m @downhereonearth.

Chelsea Whyte: See you next time.

Christopher Berry: When the gravitational wave astronomers start panicking, it’s definitely not a good thing. Like, if I’m ever on a flight and they go, ‘Is there a doctor on board? We need someone specialising in gravitational wave astronomy,’ it’s like, ‘Whatever the problem is, I can’t do anything to help, I’m just going to eat my peanuts and accept my fate.’

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