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Targeted mRNA delivery will lead to cheaper cures for many diseases

The technology in the mRNA covid-19 vaccines can be adapted to deliver genetic material to the blood stem cells in bone marrow, animal studies show. This should lead to better and cheaper treatments for a wide range of conditions, from inherited disorders and infectious diseases such as HIV to even ageing.

“With a single injection, you can modify the fate of cells,” says Stefano Rivella at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “This is the future of medicine. The sky is the limit.”

mRNAs, or messenger RNAs, carry instructions for making proteins. They can be made to instruct cells to make any protein we want, including those needed for the various forms of CRISPR genome editing. Being able to get mRNAs into blood stem cells therefore opens up a vast range of possibilities.

Stem cells in bone marrow produce many types of cell, including red blood cells and the immune cells that fight disease. Some inherited diseases that affect blood cells, from beta thalassaemia to severe combined immunodeficiency, can already be cured by removing blood stem cells from an individual, correcting the mutations that cause them and replacing the cells in the bone marrow. For instance, a CRISPR gene-editing treatment for sickle cell disease is expected to be approved soon.

But there are two major issues with this approach. Firstly, the personalised nature of the treatment makes it very time consuming and costly.

Secondly, before modified blood stem cells are returned to the body, some of the existing blood stem cells in the bone have to be killed to make room for them. This is done with highly toxic drugs that can cause serious side effects and usually leave people infertile.

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Modifying blood stem cells inside the body could solve both these problems, so many teams around the world are working on doing this.

Rivella and his colleagues started with tiny, fatty balls found in mRNA vaccines called lipid nanoparticles. When injected into muscles, these nanoparticles deliver mRNAs to muscle cells, which then produce the proteins encoded by mRNAs for a few days until the mRNAs break down.

If lipid nanoparticles are instead injected into the bloodstream, almost all of them get taken up by liver cells. This can be useful for treating liver conditions, but is a problem for most other conditions. To get the nanoparticles into blood stem cells, the team attached antibodies that bind to a protein found on the surface of the stem cells.

Unlike the viruses some groups have used to deliver mRNA into cells, lipid nanoparticles can carry very large mRNAs. “So far, whatever we wanted to encapsulate, we were quite able to,” says Hamideh Parhiz at the University of Pennsylvania.

Targeted nanoparticles

Rivella, Parhiz and their colleagues have done a series of experiments in mice to show these antibody-targeted lipid nanoparticles can deliver mRNAs to blood stem cells. For instance, after injecting nanoparticles containing mRNAs coding for a glowing protein called luciferase, the bone marrow cells in the femurs of the mice lit up.

Up to 60 per cent of the stem cells were modified, says Rivella. Many liver cells lit up as well, because the antibody-targeted lipid nanoparticles still got taken up by liver cells. For many purposes, this doesn’t matter, he says. For instance, it isn’t a problem if mutations causing sickle cell disease are fixed in the liver as well as in bone marrow.

But for some purposes, it does matter. So the team added a “switch” to the mRNAs that gets turned off by a molecule found only in liver cells. This prevented the liver producing luciferase, but the bone marrow still made it.

Read more:

How mRNA is transforming the way we treat illnesses from flu to cancer

Next, the researchers used this approach to deliver an mRNA that causes cell suicide in order to kill off blood stem cells without harming other tissues. This means the technique could replace the highly toxic drugs currently used to “make room” for bone marrow transplants, eliminating the side effects.

“This is a coming-together of phenomenal technological advances that will not only improve curative approaches for genetic diseases in the well-developed countries, but also holds promise for global access,” says Suk See De Ravin at the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Maryland, who works on gene therapies.

Another potential use of the technique would be for “gene doping” in sports; for example, by increasing the production of red blood cells to carry more oxygen around the body, in ways that would be difficult to detect.

Journal reference:

Science DOI: 10.1126/science.ade6967

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