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The start of spring in the Arctic is increasingly unpredictable

The timing of spring in the Arctic has become more and more erratic in the past 25 years, leading to growing discrepancies between the behaviour of animals and plants and the conditions they depend on.

Since 1996, Niels Schmidt at Aarhus University in Denmark and his colleagues have been monitoring the ecosystem at Zackenberg, a mountain in north-east Greenland.

“It is one of the most beautiful places on Earth, if you ask me,” says Schmidt. “It’s in the world’s largest national park, which means that it’s a very pristine environment.”

To track spring’s annual arrival in the region, the team recorded the dates of events such as when plants flowered, birds began breeding and insects, butterflies and spiders emerged from hibernation.

In 2007, the team published the results from the first decade of its observations and revealed that spring was arriving around two weeks earlier in 2005 compared with 1996.

If that trend continued, spring would eventually extend well into the months we usually think of as winter. “That’s not realistic,” says team member Tomas Roslin at the University of Helsinki, Finland. “So, we really wanted to see what’s happened over a longer period of time.”

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Now, the researchers have extended their data set by 15 years to encompass the shifts in spring between 1996 and 2020.

Instead of spring behaviours continuing to appear earlier in the year, they found that the start of the season varied dramatically for different species. Springtails, for example, a type of small arthropod, woke up from hibernation around two weeks earlier in 2020 compared with 1996, while Arctic willows (Salix arctica) bloomed eight days later.

Over the past three decades, north-east Greenland has largely seen rising temperatures and declining snow cover. However, in recent years, those trends have levelled off but the snow cover and temperature have fluctuated radically from year to year. “What we have now is a generally warmer climate, but much more variable in terms of temperature and snow conditions,” says Schmidt.

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The findings indicate that Arctic wildlife is gradually becoming out of sync with the climate, which could have wide-reaching impacts on the entire ecosystem.

“Plants are flowering in one period and the pollinators are flying in a different period,” says Schmidt. If this pattern continues, then both groups may decline. Plants rely on pollinators to reproduce, and pollinators, such as butterflies, rely on the pollen from flowering plants for energy.

“This study shows that ecological adjustments to changes in temperature and timing of snow melt are not just linear,” says Bart Nolet at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology. “The authors rightfully indicate that this means it will be hard to predict how these Arctic ecological communities will change with ongoing climate change.”

Journal reference:

Current Biology DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.06.038

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